December 16th, 2015 by Ron Branch
As a specialist in sandblasted glass my clientele are mainly other glass studios in the Portland Oregon and Vancouver Washington areas, but of course all inquiries are welcome. Email me about your project – if I can’t help you, I probably know who can. I am currently in product development mode. Good things are in the works…
Etched Glass, Portland Or, Stained Glass, Stone Carving, Vancouver Wa
May 16th, 2015 by Ron Branch
Close up of relief carving by Ron Branch circa 1989. I’d like to do a series of these someday. This is a small piece of flagstone, approximately 8″ x 12″. It has hand crafted mounting hardware by Bill Branch (my Dad).
Between glass and stone I feel stone is the more forgiving medium to work with. As a material, float glass is predictable, as in there are no hidden surprises. As a transparent canvas it is unique, with its distinctly beautiful qualities, but there is no variance from piece to piece… and so it quickly becomes all about the etching. With stone however… Read More
Etched Glass, Stone Carving
October 17th, 2014 by Ron Branch
I’m about ready to start showing some of the latest carvings. I took this picture yesterday. It’s a good example of what’s coming. (Click image to enlarge)
There has been a lot in development for quite a long time – lots of little things all coming together at once. Things have spun off here and there to become distinct products, some of which will certainly end up in the store.
UPDATE Friday Oct 24th ~ I’ve had a busy week of organizing and final touches – looks like about twenty potential items could be included. Today I’ll be photographing, video recording – then for a few days processing all that.
Roswell Rock, Stone Carving
August 28th, 2014 by Ron Branch
Breaking News! For those of you that have been following Replicating the Roswell Rock, we may have a possible end to the Roswell Rock mystery… it appears a man came forward yesterday (8/27/14) with a pretty solid explanation on the probable origin, and possibly who made it.
Apparently this is about two stones that were purchased in 1998, in Roswell, at the “Alien Encounter 98″ festival. Read More
Image Credit: John Russell, and posted at
Stone Carving, The Roswell Rock
August 18th, 2014 by Ron Branch
Due to the airing of an episode of some show on the history channel regarding the “Roswell Rock” mystery, there has been a flurry of traffic to a page here about the work I did on the subject in 2008. Here is a link to that.
That’s about all I have time to do on it right now – we are busy in the studio with several projects. Other things are also developing regarding stone – there will definitely be some new things to see pretty soon.
Roswell Rock, Stone Carving, The Roswell Rock
July 30th, 2011 by Ron Branch
I’ve done several memorial stones lately. This one turned out particularly well, with the earthy tone of the stone, and the nice natural shape.
(Click on the image for a larger view)
Pet Memorial, Stone Carving, Vancouver Wa
March 17th, 2010 by Ron Branch
This time it’s one for us. A bit belated – it felt better to avoid it for a while. We left this one unpainted – definitely a subtler look. (click to enlarge)
It’s true, our cat “Friday” WAS old, but it didn’t really seem like it – just last year I looked out the window and was shocked to see him fearlessly beating on a big raccoon that was eating out of his bowl. Probably embarrassing for Friday that the raccoon didn’t seem to notice much and just continued eating.
Micky has a nice Friday post on her blog. Good photo too. Here is a link.
Pet Memorial, Stone Carving
March 14th, 2010 by Ron Branch

“Pi, Greek letter (π), is the symbol for the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. Pi Day is celebrated by math enthusiasts around the world on March 14th. Pi = 3.1415926535…” –
I guess this is why my son baked a pie (was actually a quiche) and took it to school. We were also going to celebrate by watching the movie “Pi” (one of my favorites) but we ran out of time. I’ve always liked the Pi symbol – so much so, I once carved it onto a rock.
Pi Symbol, Stone Carving, Vancouver Wa